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Geolabs, Inc.

Kamehameha School Athletic Field
Photo Courtesy: KCS West


Kamehameha School​



Kamehameha School


Dates of Project:

Completed: 2002






2002 Grand Conceptor Awards (Local ACEC Competition)

Honorable Mention Award (2002 National Civil Engineering Competition - Washington DC)

Kamehameha School Athletic Field Development

Geolabs performed geotechnical engineering services on the Kamehameha School Athletic Field. The purpose of the project was to build a state-of-the-art high school athletic complex (tri-level complex) on a rocky mountain ridge, with a vertical relief of 80 feet, by creating a stable horizontal building surface.


Engineers repositioned the project footprint and employed five different retaining wall systems, the majority of which were recommended by Geolabs, which included tie-back soldier pile walls, MSE walls, and soil nail walls. The more traditional cantilevered concrete retaining walls and gravity walls were also used.


The project was built at a cost nearly 50 percent less than original estimate budget. The project was awarded the 2002 Grand Conceptor Award at the local ACEC Competition and received an Honorable Mention Award at the National Civil Engineering Competition held in Washington DC in 2002. 

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